Dental Aesthetic
Dental Aesthetic or Aesthetic Stomatology – a branch of dentistry that is concerned with the functional aspect but especially with the aesthetic one. The Dental Aesthetic is not just a highly developed science today, but also a real art in the hands of the dentist and the dental technician, that combination without which this dental field could not exist. Also, it is a visiting card not only of the two mentioned above but especially of the patient, to which completes the look and gives him confidence. This is possible through some certain manual labors that can be simple and performed on short time but very complex, as well, and whose realization requires several sessions. Through the Dental Aesthetics we get bright and charming smiles with a great naturalness.
Do we live in a world where the first impressions matters a lot? Absolutely! Then why not smile with confidence regardless of the situation? The attractive smile enhances the attraction that we can have on others. This aspect is shown of numerous studies. These are the benefits the cosmetic dentistry offers today.
The most popular manual labors the dental aesthetics realizes are: teeth whitening, dental implants, dental bonding, inlays, on lays, restorations (crowns, dental bridges etc.), cosmetic reshaping of teeth and the gums etc.