
Orthodontics corrects the dentomaxilar anomalies. Crooked teeth or the ones not properly aligned are difficult to maintain, they can be lost early due to dental caries, and oblige the chewing muscles to an extra effort that can lead to headaches, ATM dysfunction and neck, shoulder and back pain. Another disadvantage is of unaesthetic aspect of crooked or misaligned teeth.

The benefits of orthodontic treatment include an improved oral health, a better look and last longer teeth.

If you have one of these signs, you are a potential candidate for orthodontic treatment:

  • Vertical supraocclusion (overbite) – where the upper front teeth come out in front of the inferior teeth
  • Reverse occlusion (underbite) – a bulldog appearance when lower front teeth are out far forward or the upper ones are in the back
  • Crossed obstruction – when the upper teeth do not fit over the lower at a normal bite
  • Open occlusion – forming a space between the occlusal surfaces of anterior and / or lateral teeth, when bite on the posterior teeth
  • Malocclusion on midline – when the center of the upper front teeth does not line up with the center of the lower front teeth
  • Spaced teeth – interdental spaces or “toothless gap”, a result of missing teeth or teeth that do not fill the whole arcade
  • Dental crush – when there are too many teeth for the dental arch held

The fixed orthodontic machines are classic and they maintain special fixed spaces. The mobile ones include: mouth guards, mobile space keepers, machines for relaying the cheek bone, labial/vestibular shields, transpalatinal arc, mobile contention devices and cranium-cervical traction devices.