
Prosthodontics deals morphofunctional restoration methods and aesthetics of the dental-maxillary machine (ADM) by the aid of biocompatible prostheses. There are two distinct sub domains: Dental Prosthetics and Maxillofacial Prosthetics. The first tackles the restoration of dental alveolar arch and the second tackles the prosthesis of other maxillofacial structures

  • The choice of the prosthesis type is influenced by the following factors:
  • General health of the patient;
  • Maintenance of oral hygiene
  • Odonto-parodontal status and condition of bone tissue, of the fibro mucous;
  • Local and loco-regional complications limiting the probability of clinical success
  • Dental occlusion and mandible-cranial relationships
  • An analysis of the advantages, disadvantages and consequences of the prosthesis viability on long-term
  • The motivations and the aspirations of the patient

Types of prosthesis:
– Total and partial crowns
– Fixed restorations
– Mobile partial prosthesis
– Dental prosthesis and “overdenture”
– Mobile prosthesis with “attachments”
– Prosthetic on the implants